Getting the Most from your Carts & Disposables

Getting the Most from your Carts & Disposables

Posted by Getting the Most from your Carts & Disposables. on Jan 12th 2023

GreenRX™ offers a wide variety of CartridgesDisposables in D8, D10THC-P, THC-O, HHC & Much More! Believe it or not, there are things you can do that will greatly help to extend the life, use & overall value of your device. If you would like to extend the life of your device, you can try some of the following suggestions that may help do so:

*Do Not ever blow into either end of your Cart/Dis - (Even if your Device feels clogged!) This WILL ultimately force the Resin out!

*Try to avoid taking excessively lengthy drawls for extended periods of time. - (This can sometimes result in the overheating of the Resin, causing scorching or issues with Resin displacement.)

*Whenever possible, ALWAYS leave your device in a fully standing, upright position. This is ESPECIALLY important when you have been drawling from your device, as the Resin is warmer & thinner, more likely to displace. 

*Do Not leave your device in your mouth when not in use. Avoid breathing or talking into the mouthpiece, or any moisture otherwise entering the device in any way. 

*Always store your Device/Cartridges & Disposables in room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Keep out of extreme heat or cold, as extreme temps are very prone to cause Damage to the Device and/or Resin inside. 

*Make sure your battery is always charged well & if absolutely necessary, you can disconnect your Cart from your battery and manually clean/clear any potential clog from your mouthpiece, with a small tool.